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Liens et références


Voici quelques liens utiles pour avoir plus d'information sur notre approche: 


Site web de l'école de Barbara Brennan:


Site  web sur une méthode de développement spirituelle utilisé par Barbara Brennan.




Et voici quelques études intéressantes:


  1. MacIntyre, B., et al., The efficacy of healing touch in coronary artery bypass surgery recovery: a randomized clinical trial.Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2008. 14(4): p. 24-32.

  2. Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K., et al., Psychological influences on surgical surgery: prespectives from psychoneuroimmunology.American Psychologist, 1998.53(11): p. 1209-1218.

  3. Coakley, A.B. and M.E. Duffy, The effect of therapeutic touch on postoperative patients.Journal of holistic nursing, 2010. 28(3): p. 193-200.

  4. Monroe, C.M., The effects of therapeutic touch on pain.Journal of holistic nursing, 2009. 27(2): p. 85-92.

  5. Frisch, N., Keeping the concept of 'human energy field' in the mainstream of nursing work: report of the AHNA taks force on nursing diagnosis and energetic healing.Beginnings, 2015: p. 18-20.

  6. da Silva Borges, M. and D. Soares dos Santos, Caring field: a quantum and transpersonal approach to nursing care.Ciência, Cuidado e Saude, 2013. 12(3): p. 608-613.

  7. Rao, A., et al., Is energy healing an effective non-pharmacological therapy for improving symptom management of chronic illness? A systematic review.Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2016. 25: p. 26-41.

  8. McNeil, N., Bastrom, T., Barley, C., Yaszay, B., Newton, P. Randomized Controlled Trail of Healing therapy Effects on Pain and Anxiety in Adolescents Idiopathic Patients Undergoing Posterior Instrumentations. Podium presentation International Meeting ion Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST) 2016






Brennan, Barbara Ann (1988). Hands of light. United States of America: Bantam Books. 294 p.

( Ce livre existe aussi en Français sous le titre de: Le pouvoir bénéfique des mains.)


Brennan, Barbara Ann (1993). Light Emerging. United States of America: Bantam Books. 341 p.

(Ce livre existe aussi en français sous le titre de: Guérir par la lumière)


Brennan, Barbara Ann (2017). Core light healing. United States of America: Hay House. 204 p. 


Thesenga, Susan (2001). The Undefended Self. United States of America: Pathwork Press . 329 p. 


Pierrakos, Eva et Thesenga, Susan (2007). Fear No Evil. United States of America: Pathwork Press . 286 p. 


Lipton, Bruce (2005). The biology of belief. United States of America: Montain of love/Elite books . 286 p. 

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